Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Gravity Of Life


Yes, Life. What is the one thing that comes to our minds when we hear this one word?

Responsibility? Inspiration? Career? Fun? Extremities?

This word is really powerful and can have different meanings for different people.

The dictionary says, life is a corresponding state, existence, or principle of existence conceived of as belonging to the soul. But, what do YOU have to say about it?

Is it just the general or universal condition of human existence?

Life is really funny. There are people in this world who live, so that others may die. And there are another bunch of people, who die, so that others may live peacefully.

There are people in this world, who have nothing to lose but a lot to gain. And there are people in this world who have almost everything, yet, their mind is masked with the greed that they don't have anything.

Such philosophical thoughts may occur, when we compare our lives with that of the others and see what we have and they don't and what they have and we don't. Funny right?! Life is like that! You cannot anticipate anything.

The stories of our lives are already written; the ink has already dried.

I have seen many people in my life; some people, who fear their lives, wondering about their future and conceal themselves from the outer world. You may wonder, are there people like that? You've had your answer.

Or maybe, are you one of them? Think to yourself.

I have also seen people, who live life to the fullest, as if nothing can stop them. They don't fear about their lives, they don't fear death; they don't care what will happen the next day. Are you one of these people?

I have also seen people, who care about their wins and losses, who want to achieve something in life, who strive to be noticed in the society.

I admit that I am one such person who believes life to be simple and special at the same time. It is a gift of God; why neglect it? Enjoy life, but at the same time, be sure to thank and always remember the one who gave it to you.

As teenage strikes, our lives take a measurable turn from our childhood. There are a few facts about teenagers. I'm sure you may find this very familiar.

A Teenager is....

  • A person who can operate the latest computer without a lesson, but can't make a bed.
  • A person who can hear a song by a pop singer played 3 blocks away, but cannot hear his mother calling from the next room.
  • A weight watcher who diets by having candy bars before breakfast.
  • A romantic who never falls in love more than once a week.
  • A person of two kinds of fine music: loud and very loud.
  • A person who is always late for dinner but always on time for a rock concert.

After this period of life, we arrive at a stage, where we would have reached our middle ages. This period of life can be very crucial. The responsibilities that we would have prepared for in our childhood, comes to action in this period of life. Middle age is when broadness of the mind and narrowness of the waist, change places.

After this period of life, comes its last session – the old age. At this period, we would have completed all our responsibilities and would have bestowed them upon our children. We would be able to relax with nothing more to gain and nothing more to do.

Then, as the time comes, death knocks on the doors of our lives and we are soon the dear departed.

When we have energy, we have work. When we have work, we have no time. And, when we have time, we have no energy.

This is the fact of life.

But, there are some people, of whom I know, couldn't live this much in life. My own cousin, died in his early twenties. He couldn't experience life, until the last stage. My best friend died, when he was twelve. He couldn't even experience teenage.

But, as I've said before, the stories of our lives are already written.

We don't know how long we may live; we may even die tomorrow. Yet, we set the alarm for the next day; that is HOPE.

Be happy with what you have in your life, because not everyone gets to live all the three stages of life.

Like Shakespeare wrote in his poem,

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts.”


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